Sl No. | Member | Name & Designation | Category |
1 | The Chairman | Prof. Debi Prasad Mishra, Director, NITTR, Kolkata | Ex-Officio Member |
2 | The Secretary to Govt. or his representation not below the rank of Joint Secretary to Govt., SD&TE Dept. | State Govt. Nominee | Ex-Officio Member |
3 | The Secretary to Govt. or his representation not below the rank of Joint Secretary to Govt., Finance Dept. | State Govt. Nominee | Ex-Officio Member |
4 | Nominee of the affiliating University | Prof. (Dr.) Siddharth Panda, Professor, VSSUT, Burla | Member |
5 | Educationist from the Region nominal by the State | Vice-Chancellor, Kalahandi University | Member |
6 | The faculty member nominated from the regular staff | 1. Dr. Gopal Charan Behera, Associate Professor2. Dr. Basant Kumar Swain, Assistant Professor | MemberMember |
7 | Three members (Industrialist/ Technologist/ Educationist) | 1. Mr. Ashwini Kumar Rath, CEO, Batoi System Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar 2. Mr. Suresh Chandra Samal, GGM (O&M), NALCO, Damanjodi, Koraput3. Prof. Anup Kumar Panda, Professor (HAG), NIT, Rourkela | MemberMemberMember |
8 | Two eminent Alumni of the College | 1. Mr. Durga Prasad Majhi, Asst. Manager, State Bank of India, Baliguda 2. Mr. Sourav Sarkar, Asst. Manager, OPHC LW, Mukhiguda |
MemberMember |
9 | The Principal | Prof. (Dr.) Subhransu Sekhar Dash | MemberSecretaryEx-officio |